On December 16, 2021, Earth Class Mail released an improved account notifications experience for all accounts.
What are account notifications?
Account notifications allow you to customize the frequency and type of email notifications of your incoming mail, packages, and checks. For example, you can receive an instant notification for the receipt of a new check, but only receive a daily summary of incoming mail items. Customize your notifications to receive weekly or monthly summaries of any of the categories, such as a month-end summary of all packages received or checks received.
How do I enable account notifications?
From the home screen, navigate to Account Settings > Your Settings > Notifications
Notification types and frequency
In this view you can customize whether to receive an instant email notification of new items or opt for a summary daily, weekly or monthly.
General email settings
In the General Email Notifications Settings, provide specific instructions on what you want to see in the email notifications such as type of email scans, PDFs and envelope scans.
We aim to provide an easy-to-use, secure, consistent, and fully functional experience each time you log in. In addition, the security of our mail is of paramount importance to us at Earth Class Mail. This is yet another way we deliver on that promise
Customer Support
If you cannot access your account for any reason, reach out:
Customer support team
Email: support@earthclassmail.com
Call (210) 802-5211, 8:00 AM - 5 PM CST