Following these simple steps you can set up your Earth Class Mail scans to be automatically sent to your Filevine Mailroom.
Your Filevine account has a Mailroom, with a dedicated email address.

Customizing Your Notification Preferences
When logged into your account, click Menu > Settings > and under Your Settings > Notifications.
Enter your Filevine Mailroom email address in the top field. Be sure selections to include PDFs and real-time alerts for MailRoom scans completed are selected as highlighted below.
Note: To avoid duplicated notifications, only set up Filevine email alerts for one user within a group that has access to the same recipient mail items.
Setting Up Automation Rules
Also, be sure your Automation Rules are set up to auto-scan if you don't want to review new mail items and manually request scans.
Managing New Scan Notifications in Filevine
Once new scan notifications are sent from Earth Class Mail, each will show up in the Mailroom section of Filevine with the scan attached as a PDF. You can click it to preview the scanned item.
Using the "Move to project..." field select which project the item is associated with.
The scan will be moved to the selected project where you can find it under "Docs".